During our amazing time in Sicily..
"Messina calls Ukraine" ,the project starts- got published in the local newspaper.
Small stories, day by day about our Days in Sicily.
Day 3. "Cold wind and new friends"
First tournament.
First win, first loss, first try, first tackle...so many things first time.
Many kids this day started to be a rugby players.
All of you shows good level of rugby and respect!
Proud to be your coach!
PS: special respect to
our U12 coach!
Sicily Day 6-7
Beach Rugby
Memorial Jacob Gaina
a lot of pictures)))
great event in Rometta !
Big challenge for U18
Tough games for U12 and U14
"send?, no its stone rugby"
"I want to drink "
"I want to eat"
"its hot again"
.. in few days: "Dima, how long this send will be in my ears ? "
AUGUST 6-11TH, 2023